315.02: Solicitation of Gift or Contribution from Vendors

Employees of Enterprise State Community College shall not solicit any gift or contribution from any vendor or from any entity that they know to be a potential vendor, for the benefit of the institution where such gift is stated or implied by such employee to be a condition of developing or maintaining a business relationship with the institution.

  1. No vendor shall be chosen based on a past, present or future contribution to the institution, or to any other institution of the Alabama Community College System. Any solicitation of vendors or potential vendors shall only be as part of broad general/generic appeals to the community at large. No solicitation shall be made of any lobbyist.
  2. No employee of the Alabama Community College System or any of its institutions or a member of the household of an employee of the Alabama Community College System or any of its institutions shall solicit or accept anything for the purpose of influencing official action, regardless of whether or not the thing solicited or received is a thing of value, or as allowed by Code of Alabama (1975) §36-25-1 et seq.