327.01: Refunds

1. Refund for Complete Withdrawal

 a. A student who officially or unofficially withdraws from all classes before the first day of class will be refunded the total tuition and other institutional charges. The “first day of class” is the first day classes are offered within any term configuration, including, but not limited to, full terms, split terms, mini-terms, and weekend terms. 

b. A student who officially or unofficially withdraws completely on or after the first day of class but prior to the end of the third week of class will be refunded according to the withdrawal date, as follows: 

Withdrawal during first week – 75% of tuition and other institutional charges. 

Withdrawal during second week – 50% of tuition and other institutional charges. Withdrawal during third week – 25% of tuition and other institutional charges. 

Withdrawal after end of third week – no refund. 

For calculating refunds during the fall and spring sixteen-week terms, a “week” is defined as seven calendar days. Refunds of tuition for terms shorter than sixteen weeks, such as summer terms, mini-terms, split terms, and weekend terms, will reflect a prorated week based on the number of days in the term. 

2. Refund for Partial Withdrawal 

Students who do not completely withdraw from the institution but drop a class during the regular drop/add period will be refunded the difference in tuition paid and the tuition rate applicable to the reduced number of hours, including fees appropriate to the classes dropped. There is no refund due to a student who partially withdraws after the official drop/add period. The last day to drop/add must be published as part of the college calendar and conform to guidelines issued by the Chancellor. 

3. Administrative Fee 

An administrative fee not to exceed 5 percent of tuition and other institutional charges shall be assessed for each withdrawal within the period beginning the first day of class and ending at the end of the third week of class. 

4. Refund in Compliance with Federal Regulations 

All institutions shall comply with federal regulations relative to the return of Title IV funds. 

5. Refund for Alabama National Guard and Reservists Called to Active Duty 

Students who are active members of the Alabama National Guard or reservists or who are active duty military who are called to active duty by executive order of the President of the United States or a State Governor in the time of national crisis may receive a full refund of tuition and other appropriate institutional charges at the time of withdrawal. If a National Guard student is receiving Title IV funding, a recalculation must be performed as required by Federal Title IV regulations, which could result in less than a 100% refund. 

6. The President has the authority to make exceptions to the refund policy in the event of the death of a student or of a family member or other catastrophic event requiring the student to leave the institution.