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Programs of Study
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Accreditation Information
General Education/Transfer Degree Plans
Career/Technical Degree Plans
Advanced Composites
Automotive Technology
Aviation Maintenance Technology
Avionics Technology
Business Administration and Management
Child Development
Commercial Truck Driving
Computer Information Science
Digital Multimedia
Emergency Medical Services
Legal Assistant/Paralegal
Medical Assisting Technology
Office Administration
Health Information Technology
ACC - Accounting
ADM - Advanced Manufacturing
AGP - Agricultural Production
AGR - Agriculture
AMP - Powerplant Technology
AMT - Airframe Technology
ART - Art
AUM - Automotive Technology
AVT - Avionics Technology
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business
CHD - Child Development
CHM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Science
CMP - Advanced Composites
CNC - Computerized Numerical Control
CRJ - Criminal Justice
ECO - Economics
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
ENG - English
ENR - Integrated Reading and Writing
GEO - Geography
GIS - Geographic Information Systems
GRD - Graphic Design
HEC - Home Economics
HED - Health Education
HIS - History
HIT - Health Information Technology
HOC - Horticulture
HUM - Humanities
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
ILT - Industrial Electronics Technology
INT - Industrial Maintenance Technology
Organizational Leadership
MAT - Medical Assisting Technology
MET - Mechanical Engineering Technology
MTH - Mathematics
MUL - Music Ensemble
MUP - Music Performance
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
OAD - Office Administration
ORI - Orientation
PED - Physical Education
PHL - Philosophy
PHS - Physical Sciences
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
PRL - Paralegal
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SPH - Speech
THR - Theatre Arts
WDT - Welding Technology
WKO - Workforce
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Academic Catalog 2024-2025
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ACC 129
Individual Income Tax
ACC 140
Payroll Accounting
ACC 149
Intro. To Acct. Spreadsheets
ACC 150
Computerized General Ledger
ADM 100
Industrial Safety
ADM 110
Blueprint Reading
ADM 234
Applied Industrial Robotics
ADM 283
Cooperative Ed In Manufacturin
ADM 290
Coop Ed in Manufacturing
ADM 291
Industrial Safety
ADM 292
Quality Practices & Measuremen
ADM 293
Manufact Process & Production
ADM 294
Maintenance Awareness
ADM 296
Applied Metrology
AGP 152
Agricultural Equipment and Repair
AGR 200
Introduction to Animal and Dairy Science
AMP 120
Engine Theory And Propellers
AMP 121
Reciprocating Engine Systems
AMP 122
Engine Systems And Overhaul
AMP 123
Reciprocating Engine Inspect
AMP 124
Turbine Engine Systems Theor
AMP 125
Turbine Engine Systems Overh
AMP 220
Reciprocating Engines and Theory
AMP 221
Turbine Engine Theory and Systems
AMP 222
Reciprocating Engine Inspections and Propellers
AMP 223
Reciprocating Engine Overhaul
AMP 224
Turbine Engine Inspection and Overhaul
AMT 100
Technical Preparation
AMT 101
Basic Electricity
AMT 102
Materials And Processes
AMT 103
Weight and Balance, Ground Handling and Servicing, Cleaning and Corrosion Control
AMT 104
Technical Preparation
AMT 105
Materials and Processes
AMT 110
Non-metallic Structures
AMT 111
Aircraft Sheetmetal Structures and Welding
AMT 112
Airframe Systems I
AMT 113
Airframe Systems II
AMT 114
Airframe Systems III
AMT 115
Airframe Systems IV
ART 100
Art Appreciation
ART 113
Drawing I
ART 114
Drawing II
ART 121
Two-Dimensional Comp I
ART 175
Digital Photography
ART 220
Intro To Computer Graphics
ART 221
Computer Graphics I
ART 222
Computer Graphics II
AUM 101
Fundamentals of Automotive Technology
AUM 112
Electrical Fundamentals
AUM 121
Braking Systems
AUM 122
Steering and Suspension
AUM 124
Automotive Engines
AUM 130
Drive Train and Axles
AUM 133
Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning
AUM 162
Electrical and Electronic Systems
AUM 212
Advanced Electrical and Electronic Systems
AUM 220
Advanced Automotive Engines
AUM 224
Man Transmission and Transaxle
AUM 230
Auto Transmission and Transaxle
AUM 239
Engine Performance
AUM 244
Engine Performance and Diagnostics
AUM 246
Automotive Emissions
AUM 250
Automotive Emissions
AVT 111
Aviation Electronics Theory
AVT 112
Aviation Electronics Lab I
AVT 121
Principles Of Solid State
AVT 131
Digital Concepts
AVT 141
Introduction To Avionics
AVT 142
Electronic Communications
AVT 148
Microprocessors and Interfacing
AVT 211
Pulse And Radar Circuits
AVT 212
Aircraft Installation/solde
AVT 213
Aviation Communications
AVT 214
AVT 215
AVT 216
Autopilot/Aircraft Systems
BIO 101
Introduction to Biology I
BIO 103
Principles Of Biology I
BIO 104
Principles Of Biology II
BIO 201
Human Anatomy/Physiology I
BIO 202
Human Anatomy/Physiology II
BIO 220
General Microbiology
BIO 251
Directed Studies in Biology II
BIO 250
Directed Studies in Biology I
BUS 146
Personal Finance
BUS 150
Business Math
BUS 180
Fundamentals of Management Information Systems and the Business Process
BUS 189
Human Relationships
BUS 215
Business Communication
BUS 241
Principles Of Accounting I
BUS 242
Principles Of Accounting II
BUS 248
Managerial Accounting
BUS 263
Leg & Soc Environment Of Bus
BUS 271
Business Statistics I
BUS 272
Business Statistics II
BUS 275
Principles Of Management
BUS 276
Human Resource Management
BUS 285
Principles Of Marketing
BUS 296
Business Internship
CHD 100
Introduction To Child Care
CHD 201
Prin Of Child Growth & Dev
CHD 202
Child. Creative Experiences
CHD 203
Childrens Lit & Lang Dev
CHD 204
Meth/ Mat Teach Children
CHD 205
Prog Planning For Young Chil
CHD 206
Childrens Health & Safety
CHD 208
Adm Of Child Devel Programs
CHD 209
Infant & Toddler Ed Programs
CHD 210
Educating Except Young Child
CHD 214
Families and Communities in Early Care and Education Programs
CHD 215
Supervised Practical Exper
CHD 217
Math & Science For Young Chd
CHM 104
Introduction to Chemistry I
CHM 111
College Chemistry I
CHM 112
College Chemistry II
CHM 221
Organic Chemistry I
CHM 222
Organic Chemistry Ii
CIS 113
Spreadsheet Software App
CIS 115
Present. Graphics Software
CIS 134
IT Fundamentals
CIS 146
Computer Applications
CIS 150
Introduction To Computer Logic
CIS 157
Intro To App Dev With Swift
CIS 162
Advanced Networking
CIS 171
Linux I
CIS 189
Co-Op For Cis I
CIS 196
Commercial Software Appl
CIS 202
Python Programming
CIS 211
Principles Of Info Assurance
CIS 212
Visual Basic Programming
CIS 213
Adv. Visual Basic Programming
CIS 215
C# Programming
CIS 219
Android App Development
CIS 220
App Development W/swift I
CIS 227
App Development W/Swift II
CIS 230
IT Auditing I
CIS 231
IT Auditing II
CIS 246
Ethical Hacking
CIS 251
C++ Programming
CIS 252
Advanced C++ Programming
CIS 255
Java Programming
CIS 256
Advanced Java
CIS 260
Network Security And Risk Mgmt
CIS 268
Software Support
CIS 269
Hardware Support
CIS 270
Cisco CCNA I
CIS 271
CIS 272
CIS 273
CIS 275
Workstation Administration
CIS 276
Server Administration
CIS 277
Network Services Administratio
CIS 278
Directory Services Administrat
CIS 282
Computer Forensics
CIS 284
CIS Internship
CIS 292
Advanced Workstation Administr
CIS 296
Special Topics (3D Capstone)
CMP 100
Introduction to Composites
CMP 101
Composites I
CMP 110
Composite Basics
CMP 120
Composite Repair
CMP 210
Alternative Composite Process
CMP 220
Advanced Composite Final Project
CNC 112
CNC Turning
CNC 113
CNC Milling
CNC 139
Basic Computer Numerical Control
CNC 171
Intro to CAD/CAM for Milling and Turning
CRJ 100
Intro To Criminal Justice
CRJ 150
Intro To Corrections
ECO 231
Principles Of Macroeconomics I
ECO 232
Prin Of Microeconomics Ii
EMS 100
CPR Certification
EMS 101
CPR Recertification
EMS 107
Emergency Vehicle Operator
EMS 118
Emergency Medical Technician
EMS 119
Emergency Medical Tech Clinica
EMS 155
Adv Emergency Med Tech
EMS 156
Adv Emergency Tech Clinical
EMS 241
Paramedic Cardiology
EMS 242
Paramedic Patient Assessment
EMS 244
Paramedic Clinical I
EMS 245
Paramedic Medical Emergencies
EMS 246
Paramedic Trauma Mgt
EMS 247
Paramedic Special Populations
EMS 248
Paramedic Clinical II
EMS 253
Paramedic Transition To Wkforc
EMS 254
Advanced Comp For Paramedics
EMS 255
Paramedic Field Preceptorship
EMS 256
Paramedic Team Leadership
EMS 257
Paramedic Applied Pharmacology
ENG 099
Support Intro College Writing
ENG 101
English Composition I
ENG 102
English Composition II
ENG 131
Applied Writing
ENG 251
American Literature I
ENG 252
American Literature II
ENG 261
English Literature I
ENG 262
English Literature II
ENG 271
World Literature I
ENG 272
World Literature II
ENR 098
Writing & Reading For College
GEO 100
World Regional Geography
GIS 101
Intro To Geog Info Sys Tech
GRD 121
Digital Photography Foundation
GRD 137
3-d Fundamentals
GRD 143
Digital Video Foundation
GRD 183
Digital Video Production
GRD 187
3-D Animation
GRD 237
3d Graphics & Animation
GRD 243
Digital Video Effects
HEC 140
Principles of Nutrition
HED 224
Personal & Community Health
HED 231
First Aid
HED 232
Care & Prvention Of Athl Inj
HIS 101
Western Civilization I
HIS 102
Western Civilization II
HIS 121
World History I
HIS 122
World History II
HIS 201
United States History I
HIS 202
United States History II
HIT 130
HIT Classificat & Reimbursem
HIT 134
HIT Legal/Ethical Issues
HIT 151
Health Data Content & Struct
HIT 221
HIT Computer Applications
HIT 222
HIT Computer Application Lab
HIT 230
Medical Coding Systems I
HIT 231
Medical Coding Skills Lab
HIT 232
Medical Coding Systems II
HIT 233
Medical Coding Skills Lab II
HIT 255
Principles Of Supervis HIT
HIT 260
HOC 110
Introduction to Horticulture
HOC 114
Introduction to Floriculture
HUM 299A
PTK Honors I
HUM 299B
PTK Honors II
HUM 299C
PTK Honors III
IDS 201
Advanced Scholars Bowl
ILT 120
Intro To AC/DC Circuits
ILT 121
AC/DC Circuit Analysis
ILT 125
Introduction to Mechatronics
ILT 162
Solid State Electronics
ILT 163
Digital Electronics
ILT 168
ILT 169
ILT 173
MSSC Maintenance Awareness Course
ILT 182
Quality Practices & Measuremnt
ILT 183
Manufacturing Procedures & Materials
ILT 190
Programmable Logic Controllers
ILT 193
Adv Prog Logic Controllers
ILT 199
MSSC Safety Course
ILT 209
Motor Controls I
ILT 210
ILT 213
Industrial Process Control
ILT 271
Indep Study Instrument Technol
ILT 280
Special Topics Ind Tech
ILT 282
Lean Techniques & Advanced Measurement
INT 132
Preventive & Predictive Maintenance
INT 135
Introduction to Renewable Energy
INT 213
Motor Controls Ii
INT 256
Industrial Robotics
INT 258
Ind Electricity & Electronics
LDR 101
Introduction to Leadership: Theory, Context and Practice
MAT 101
Medical Terminology
MAT 102
Medical Assisting Theory I
MAT 103
Medical Assisting Theory Ii
MAT 111
Clinical Procedures I
MAT 120
Med Adm Procedures I
MAT 121
Med Adm Procedures II
MAT 122
Concepts of Interpersonal Rel
MAT 125
Lab Proc I for the Med Asst
MAT 128
Medical Law & Ethics For MAT
MAT 130
Medical Office Communication
MAT 211
Clinical Procedures II
MAT 215
Lab Proc II for the Med Asst
MAT 216
Pharmacology for the Med Ofc
MAT 218
EKG Technician
MAT 220
Medical Office Insurance
MAT 229
Medical Assist Practicum
MAT 239
Phlebotomy Preceptorship
MET 220
Mechanical Systems I
MET 222
Mechanical Systems I
MET 225
Mechanical Systems II
MTH 098
Elementary Algebra
MTH 099
Support Inter Clg Algebra
MTH 100
Intermediate College Algebra
MTH 110
Finite Mathematics
MTH 112
Precalculus Algebra
MTH 113
Precalculus Trigonometry
MTH 115
Precal Algebra & Trigonometry
MTH 116
Mathematical Applications
MTH 125
Calculus I
MTH 126
Calculus II
MTH 227
Calculus III
MTH 231
Math For Elementary Teach I
MTH 232
Math For Elementary Teach II
MTH 237
Linear Algebra
MTH 238
Differential Equations
MTH 265
Elementary Statistics
MUL 101
Class Piano I
MUL 102
Class Piano II
MUL 111
Class Voice I
MUL 112
Class Voice II
MUL 170
Music Workshop I
MUL 171
Music Workshop II
MUL 180
Concert Choir I
MUL 181
Concert Choir II
MUL 182
Vocal Ensemble I
MUL 183
Vocal Ensemble II
MUL 184
Entertainers I
MUL 185
Entertainers II
MUL 190
Concert Band I
MUL 191
Concert Band II
MUL 196
Jazz/show Band I
MUL 197
Jazz/show Band II
MUL 270
Music Workshop III
MUL 271
Music Workshop IV
MUL 280
Concert Choir III
MUL 281
Concert Choir IV
MUL 282
Vocal Ensemble III
MUL 283
Vocal Ensemble IV
MUL 284
Entertainers III
MUL 285
Entertainers IV
MUL 290
Concert Band III
MUL 291
Concert Band IV
MUL 296
Jazz/show Band III
MUL 297
Jazz/show Band IV
MUP 101
Private Piano I
MUP 102
Private Piano II
MUP 103
Private Organ I
MUP 104
Private Organ II
MUP 111
Private Voice I
MUP 112
Private Voice II
MUP 133
Private Guitar I
MUP 134
Private Guitar II
MUP 145
Private Saxophone I
MUP 146
Private Saxophone II
MUP 161
Private Trumpet I
MUP 162
Private Trumpet II
MUP 163
Private French Horn I
MUP 164
Private French Horn II
MUP 181
Private Percussion I
MUP 182
Private Percussion II
MUP 201
Private Piano III
MUP 202
Private Piano IV
MUP 203
Private Organ III
MUP 204
Private Organ IV
MUP 211
Private Voice III
MUP 212
Private Voice IV
MUP 233
Private Guitar III
MUP 234
Private Guitar IV
MUP 245
Private Saxophone III
MUP 246
Private Saxophone IV
MUP 261
Private Trumpet III
MUP 262
Private Trumpet IV
MUP 263
Private French Horn III
MUP 264
Private French Horn IV
MUP 281
Private Percussion III
MUP 282
Private Percussion IV
MUS 101
Music Appreciation
MUS 110
Basic Musicianship
MUS 111
Music Theory I
MUS 112
Music Theory II
MUS 113
Music Theory Lab I
MUS 114
Music Theory Lab II
Area II
Area II Elective
Area II Elective or ENG 102
Area III Elective
Area IV Elective
BIO 201 and 202
ENG 101 or 131
Humanities, English Elective, History, Social or Behavioral Science
MTH 100 or higher, including MTH 116
SPH 106 or 107
NUR 112
Fundamental Concepts of Nursing
NUR 113
Nursing Concepts I
NUR 114
Nursing Concepts II
NUR 115
Evidence Based Clinical Reasoning
NUR 118
Health Care Transition for the Allied Health Professional
NUR 211
Adult Nursing Concepts
NUR 221
Advanced Evidence Based Clinical Reasoning
OAD 101
Beginning Keyboarding
OAD 103
Intermediate Keyboarding
OAD 125
Word Processing
OAD 126
Advanced Word Processing
OAD 131
Business English
OAD 134
Career & Professional Dev
OAD 137
Computerized Financial Record
OAD 138
Records & Information Mgt
OAD 211
Medical Terminology
OAD 212
Medical Transcription
OAD 217
Office Management
OAD 218
Office Procedures
OAD 242
Office Internship
OAD 243
Spreadsheet Applications
ORI 102
Orientation To Online Learning
ORI 105
Orientation & Student Success
ORI 106
Transition to College and Career
PED 118
Beg Gen Cond
PED 188
PED 200
Foundations Of Physical Ed
PHL 106
Introduction To Philosophy
PHL 206
Ethics And Society
PHS 111
Physical Science I
PHS 112
Physical Science II
PHY 201
General Physics I-Trig Based
PHY 202
General Physics II-Trig Base
PHY 205
Recitation In Physics I
PHY 206
Recitation In Physics II
PHY 213
Gen Physics With Cal I
PHY 214
General Physics With Cal II
PHY 216
Recitation In Physics W/Cal I
PHY 217
Recitation In Physics W/Cal II
POL 211
American National Government
PRL 101
Intro To Paralegal Study
PRL 102
Basic Legal Research & Writi
PRL 103
Adv Legal Research & Writing
PRL 160
Criminal Law
PRL 192
Selected Topics In Paralegal
PRL 210
Real Property Law
PRL 230
Domestic Law
PRL 240
Wills, Trusts & Estates
PRL 250
Bankruptcy & Collections
PRL 262
Civil Law And Procedures
PRL 265
Constitutional Law
PRL 282
Law Office Mgmt & Procedures
PRL 291
Internship In Paralegalism
PSY 200
General Psychology
PSY 210
Human Growth & Development
PSY 230
Abnormal Psychology
PSY 260
Statistics for the Social Sciences
REL 100
History Of World Religions
REL 151
Survey of the Old Testament
REL 152
Survey Of New Testament
SOC 200
Introduction To Sociology
SOC 210
Social Problems
SOC 247
Marriage & The Family
SPA 101
Introductory Spanish I
SPA 102
Introductory Spanish II
SPH 106
Fund Of Oral Communication
SPH 107
Fund Of Public Speaking
SPH 226
Business and Professional Speech
THR 120
Theater Appreciation
THR 126
Introduction To Theater
THR 131
Acting Techniques I
THR 151
Musical Theatre
THR 241
Voice and Speech for the Performer
THR 281
Stage Movement I
WDT 107
WDT 110
Industrial Blueprint Reading
WDT 115
GTAW Carbon Pipe
WDT 119
Gas Metal ARC/FLUX Cored ARC Welding
WDT 120
Shielded Metal ARC Welding Groove
WDT 122
SMAW Fillet/OFC Lab
WDT 123
WDT 124
Gas Metal ARC/FLUX Cored ARC Welding Lab
WDT 125
Shielded Metal ARC Welding Groove Lab
WDT 155
GTAW Carbon Pipe Lab
WDT 157
Consumable Welding Processes
WDT 217
SMAW Carbon Pipe
WDT 219
Welding Inspection & Testing
WDT 228
Gas Tungsten ARC Welding
WDT 257
SMAW Carbon Pipe Lab
WDT 268
Gas Tungsten ARC Lab
WKO 101
Workplace Skills Development I