309.02: Single Source and Sole Source Vendors
A contract or purchase order for a required or designated commodity, service or equipment may be awarded to a sole source supplier or single source vendor only when it is justified in writing and approved by the Chancellor of the Department of Postsecondary Education. The Chancellor shall report to the Board of Trustees all sole/single source contracts.
The request for a sole/single source purchase must be based on the institution's investigation, evaluation, and documentation of alternate sources of supply. Rejection of similar products must be based only on their failure to meet specific and necessary specifications. A listing of the unique technical specifications required of the product and the potential companies contacted in the search for alternate sources must be included as well as the evaluation of those products. No vendor shall be used to assist the institution in writing any sole source documents.
Approval for a sole source supplier or single source vendor shall be given only if the institution establishes that no other vendor offers substantially equivalent goods or services that can accomplish the purpose for which the goods or service is required.