205.01: Nepotism Policy

The President of ESCC will  not employ any relative within the fourth degree of kinship by either birth or marriage to work in the institution, and any relative of the President within the aforementioned relationship now employed in the institution (as of August 1, 2013) will  not be assigned to any position which reports directly to the President, or in which the employee makes final decisions concerning the expenditure of funds.

Any person within the fourth degree of affinity or consanguinity of an ESCC employee will not be the immediate supervisor for or in the chain of command of or participate in the hiring, evaluation, reassignment, promotion, or discipline of another ESCC employee.

This policy shall not apply to persons actively employed as of January 1, 2007, so long as they occupy the position as of January 1, 2007.  Should an employee who began service prior to January 1, 2007, change positions, the employee is subject to all rules and requirements of this policy.  Should an employee’s circumstances change due to election results, marriage, etc., the employee is subject to these rules and requirements, and any accommodation of unusual circumstances shall be determined by the Board of Trustees.

The Ethics Statute (Code of Alabama Section 36-25-5) states: “(a) No public official or public employee shall use or cause to be used his or her official position or office to obtain personal gain for himself or herself, or family member of the public employee or family member of the public official, or any business with which the person is associated unless the use and gain are otherwise specifically authorized by law.  Personal gain is achieved when the public official, public employee, or a family member thereof receives, obtains, exerts control over, or otherwise converts to personal use the object constituting such personal gain.”