225.01: Faculty Administrator and Staff Awards

The Faculty, Administrator and Staff Awards serve to give recognition to faculty, administrators and staff members who have "gone beyond the call of duty." The recipients of these awards should be individuals who have demonstrated that they have done more than the basic requirements of their job descriptions.

  • The Faculty, Administrator and Staff Awards shall be presented at the College Honor's Day.
  • Nominations for the awards may be made by an ESCC employee, an ESCC student or a member of the community.
  • The awardees will be the College's representatives) for the Chancellor's Awards.
  • The awards shall be made on the basis of the nominations submitted to the committee by the deadline. After discussion, the committee shall vote by secret ballot to choose the awardees.
  • If no written nominations are submitted by the deadline set by the committee, the committee may select awardees for each category that did not receive any nominations If no nominee is selected, none will be submitted for the Chancellor's Award. The nominee for each category must have been employed with Enterprise State Community College for at least three consecutive years in a full-time capacity prior to the nomination.
  • Nominee must not have any pending disciplinary actions at the time of nomination.
  • Academic and Technical Faculty Award Nominees will be pulled from Salary Schedule D.
  • Administrator Award Nominees will be pulled from Salary Schedule B & C.
  • Support Staff Award Nominees will be pulled from Salary Schedule E.
  • Those serving on the committee and those who were the award recipient within the previous three years will not be eligible.

Awardee Benefit

Each awardee will receive:

  • A personal plaque (paid by the ESCC Foundation) during Honor's Day
  • Their photo on display in the Wallace Building for one year
  • Representation of ESCC for the Chancellor's Award and attendance at a luncheon in Montgomery in their honor in November