223.01: Fundraising

This policy establishes the authority and outlines the requirements for all forms of fundraising on behalf of Enterprise State Community College (ESCC), regardless of method (person-to-person, traditional or electronic mail, etc.). ESCC requires that all fundraising activities clearly relate to the mission of the College and comply with Alabama Community College System Policies and Procedures. The President controls all fundraising activities at the college. Any club, organization, athletic team, student led group, etc. must obtain prior approval from the President or President's designee before beginning any fundraising activity.

ESCC defines fundraising as the collection of money through voluntary contributions, sales, and/or events/programs for the purposes of charitable donation and/or club, organization or athletic support. The policies and procedures by which faculty, staff, students, clubs, organizations, athletic teams, college departments, etc. may or may not solicit prospective donors for money or gifts and engage in other fundraising initiatives on behalf of the College are outlined below.

Fundraising Approval Process

  • All fundraising activities conducted by ESCC clubs, organizations, student led groups, employees and departments must be approved in advance by the appropriate administrators.
  • Requests to conduct fundraising activities whether by individuals, groups of students or employees begins with the completion of the Fundraising Request Form. The group sponsor must submit the form for approval to the appropriate supervisor, the Dean of Students, and the President or President's Designee.
  • Student, Club or Organization fundraising activities at ESCC are coordinated through the Dean of Students Office. Student, Club or Organization sponsors must obtain approval from the Dean of Students prior to receiving approval from the President's Office.
  • Athletic fundraising activities at ESCC are coordinated through the ESCC Foundation. Athletic coaches or sponsors must obtain approval from the ESCC Foundation Director prior to receiving approval from the President's Office.

Fundraising Procedures

  • After obtaining all appropriate signatures, the group sponsor must provide a copy of the approved Fundraising Request Form to the Business Office for internal processing.
  • An individual or student club or organization cannot hold monies raised through fundraising. After collection of funds, sponsors must submit all funds to the Business Office for deposit in the club/agency account daily. It is illegal to deposit any funds into personal accounts.
  • To access monies raised through fundraising, sponsors must request a requisition from the Business Office. Once the requisition is complete, Business Office staff will provide a purchase order and expenditures will be paid by check to the appropriate vendor. 
  • Under no circumstances should cash be taken from collected fundraising revenues and paid directly to a vendor or given to a charitable organization.


Marketing for Fundraisers 

Any group wishing to fundraise on behalf of the College must ensure that the fundraising activity enhances the reputation and visibility of the College. Any usage of the ESCC/AAC name or official college mark must be in accordance with Marketing and PR Guidelines. All correspondence, posters, signage, etc. must be approved by the Public Relations and Marketing Director prior to the activity or event.

Any group wishing to sell items on campus should be aware of all College policies related to where they can sell these items. Sales should happen through tabling in common areas such as the Student Center, outside quad, and other pre-approved official event locations.

Additional Restrictions and Requirements

ESCC acknowledges that a policy of this nature may not anticipate every possible issue that may arise with respect to fundraising activities. Restrictions may be made in addition to, or in lieu of, those set forth in the policy. Any ESCC/AAC recognized clubs that violate this Fundraising Policy may be subject to loss of right to fundraise and/or other disciplinary sanctions.