202.01: Advisory Committees

The President of each college may appoint advisory committees to assist in planning programs to meet the needs of the community(ies) served by the college and of the state.

In order to improve communication and decision-making, the College utilizes several councils and committees.  To provide for consistency in terminology, the following definitions apply: 

Council: A standing group with delegated authority which makes recommendations on broad and varied College issues (e.g. The President's Council, Instructional Council, Assessment Council).

Standing Committee: A standing group which makes decisions and/or recommendations on single issues or relatively more narrow College issues (e.g. Academic Advising Committee, Calendar Committee, Information Technology Committee).

Ad hoc Committee: A group formed for a specific task or objective, and dissolved after the completion of the task or achievement of the objective. (e.g. Honor’s Day, Graduation, Landscape Design and Courtyard Improvements).

Committee Records: Each council and committee chairperson is responsible for maintaining appropriate records of proceedings and for disseminating pertinent information to affected parties. 

A complete committee listing, as well as purpose and meeting times, are outlined in the ESCC Committee Structure, which is maintained by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.