605.02: Faculty Qualifications
1. The credentials are organized according to teaching areas. The following groups are presented:
1.1. Group A. This group of requirements shall be used for instructors teaching credit courses in the following areas: humanities/fine arts; social/behavioral sciences; natural sciences/mathematics; and in professional and career technical areas that are components of associate degree programs designed for or usually resulting in college transfer to baccalaureate degree programs. This group is also used for instructors teaching credit courses that are not designed for or do not usually result in college transfer in cases where articulation agreements exist that require instructors to maintain Group A credentials for transfer.
1.2. Group B. This group of requirements shall be used generally for instructors teaching credit courses in professional and career technical areas that are components of associate degree programs not usually resulting in college transfer to baccalaureate degree programs. There are courses that do not usually result in college transfer but that transfer under articulation agreements where instructors teaching those courses must be credentialed under Group A rather than Group B.
1.3. Group C. This group of requirements shall be used for instructors teaching credit courses in
certificate programs.
2. All instructors will be "grandfathered" in their current rank and group placements.
2.1. Rank IV-Group A
2.1.1. Degree Requirement: Earned Doctorate
2.1.2. In-field Requirement:
Option (a) Earned doctorate in-field
Option (b) Fifty-four (54) graduate semester hours of coursework in the teaching
Option (c) (Accepted only when fifty-four (54) graduate semester hours of
coursework in the teaching field is unavailable at any accredited institution of higher education.)
Fifty-four (54) graduate semester hours of course-work in a combination
of teaching field, related field, and/or education.
Option (d) (Acceptable only when an instructor has two teaching assignments.)
Thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in a major teaching field with eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in a second teaching area.
2.2. Rank IV-Group B
2.2.1. Degree Requirement:
Option (a) Specialist degree (minimum thirty (30) graduate semester hours beyond the master's degree in a planned program) plus thirty (30)
additional graduate semester hours.
Option (b) Specialist degree (minimum of thirty (30) graduate semester hours beyond the master's degree in a planned program) plus the equivalent of thirty (30) additional graduate semester hours as stipulated in 2.2.2.(c) below.
2.2.2. In-field Requirement
Option (a) Thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in teaching field.
Option (b) (Acceptable only when thirty- six (36) graduate semester hours in the teaching field in unavailable at an accredited institution of higher education.) Thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours is a combination of the teaching field and/or related field; or, if unavailable, thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching field, related field, or education.
Option (c) Twenty- four (24) graduate semester hours in accordance with Option (a) or (b) above plus the equivalent of thirty (30) graduate semester hours of corporate or other external formal training as determined below:
The (30) graduate semester hours equivalent will be determined for each program area by the College.
2.2.3. Work Requirement
Three years of successful full-time experience as a practitioner in the vocational field and successful completion of an approved occupational examination (e.g., NOCTI) or approved certification within the first year of employment.
2.3. Rank IV-Group C
2.3.1. Degree Requirement:
Specialist degree (minimum of thirty (30) graduate semester hours beyond the master's degree in a planned program.)
2.3.2. In-field Requirement:
Option (a) Thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in teaching field.
Option (b) (Acceptable only when thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in
the teaching field are unavailable at any accredited institution of
higher education.) Thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in a
combination of teaching field and/or related field; or, if unavailable,
thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching
field, related field, and/or education.
Option (c) Six (6) graduate semester hours in accordance with Options (a) or
(b) above plus the equivalent of thirty (30) graduate semester hours
of corporate or other external formal training as determined below:
The thirty (30) graduate semester hours equivalent will be determined
for each program area by the College.
2.3.3. Work Requirement
Six (6) years of successful full-time experience as a master craftsman/ journeyman in the vocational field with competency demonstrated through successful completion of an approved occupational examination (e.g., NOCTI) or approved certification within the first year of employment
2.4 Rank III-Group A
2.4.1. Degree Requirement:
Specialist degree (minimum of thirty (30) graduate semester hours beyond the master's degree in a planned program) plus thirty (30) additional graduate semester hours.
2.4.2. In-field Requirement:
Option (a) Fifty-four (54) graduate semester hours in the teaching field.
Option (b) (Acceptable only when fifty-four (54) graduate semester hours in the
teaching field is unavailable at any accredited institution of higher
education.) Fifty-four (54) graduate semester hours in a combination of the teaching field and/or related field; or, if unavailable, thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching field, related field, and/or education.
Option (c) (Acceptable only when an instructor has two teaching assignments.) Thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in a major teaching field with eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in a second teaching area.
2.5. Rank III -Group B
2.5.1 Degree Requirement:
Option (a) Specialist degree (minimum of thirty (30) graduate semester hours beyond the master's degree in a planned program).
Option (b) Master's degree plus the equivalent of thirty (30) graduate semester hours equivalent as stipulated in 2.5.2.(c) below.
2.5.2. In-field Requirements:
Option (a) Thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in teaching field.
Option (b) (Acceptable only when thirty- six (36) graduate semester hours in
the teaching field is unavailable at an accredited institution of higher education.) Thirty- six (36) graduate semester hours in a combination of the teaching field and/or related field; or, if unavailable, thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching field, related field, or education.
Option (c) Fifteen (15) graduate semester hours in accordance with Options (a) or (b) above plus the equivalent of fifteen (15) graduate hours of corporate or other external formal training as determined below:
The fifteen (15) graduate semester hours equivalent will be determined for each program area by the College.
2.5.3. Work Requirement:
Three years of successful full-time experience as a practitioner in the vocational field and successful completion of an approved occupational examination (e.g., NOCTI) or approved certification within the first year of employment.
2.6. Rank III-Group C
2.6.1. Degree Requirement:
Option (a) Master's Degree
Option (b) Baccalaureate degree plus the equivalent of thirty (30) additional graduate semester hours as stipulated in 2.6.2.(c) below.
2.6.2. In-field Requirement
Option (a) Eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in teaching field.
Option (b) (Acceptable only when eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in the teaching field are unavailable at an accredited institution of higher education.) Eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching field and/or related field; or, if unavailable, eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching field, related field, and/or education.
Option (c) The equivalent of thirty (30) graduate semester hours of corporate or other external formal training will be determined for each program area by the College.
2.6.3. Work Requirement:
Six (6) years of successful full-time experience as a practitioner in the vocational field and successful completion of an approved occupational examination (e.g., NOCTI) or approved certification within the first year of employment.
2.7. Rank II-Group A
2.7.1. Degree Requirement:
Specialist degree (minimum of a master's degree plus thirty (30) additional graduate semester hours in a planned program.
2.7.2. In-field Requirement:
Option (a) Thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in the teaching field.
Option (b) (Acceptable only when thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in the teaching field is unavailable at any accredited institution of higher education.) Thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in a combination
of teaching field and/or related field; or, if unavailable, thirty-six (36) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching field, related field, or education.
Option (c) (Acceptable only when an instructor has two teaching assignments.) Eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in a major teaching field with eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in a second teaching area.
2.8. Rank II-Group B
2.8.1. Degree Requirement:
Option (a) Master's Degree
Option (b) Baccalaureate degree plus the equivalent of thirty (30) graduate semester hours as stipulated in 2.8.2.(c) below.
2.8.2. In- field Requirement
Option (a) Eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in the teaching field.
Option (b) (Acceptable only when eighteen (18) semester hours in the teaching field is unavailable at an accredited institution of higher education.) Eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching field and/or related field; or, if unavailable, eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching field, related field, or education.
Option (c) The equivalent of thirty (30) graduate semester hours of corporate or other external formal training will be determined for each program area by the College.
2.8.3. Work Requirement:
Three (3) years of successful full-time experience as a practitioner in the vocational field with competency demonstrated through successful completion of an approved occupational examination (e.g., NOCTI) or approved certification within the first year of employment.
2.9. Rank II-Group C
2.9.1. Degree Requirement:
Baccalaureate Degree
2.9.2. In-field Requirement
Twenty-seven (27) semester hours in the teaching field or related field.
2.9.3. Work Requirement:
Six (6) years of successful full-time experience as a practitioner in the vocational field with competency demonstrated through successful completion of an approved occupational examination (e.g., NOCTI) or approved certification within the first year of employment.
2.10. Rank I-Group A
2.10.1. Degree Requirement:
Option (a) Master's Degree
Option (b) (Acceptable only for creative and applied arts and occupational programs.) Baccalaureate degree plus in-field requirements in 2.10.2.(c) below.
2.10.2. In-field Requirement
Option (a) Eighteen graduate semester hours in the teaching field.
Option (b) (Acceptable only when eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in the teaching field is unavailable at any accredited institution of higher education.) Eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching field and/or related field; or, if unavailable, eighteen (18) graduate semester hours in a combination of teaching field, related field, or education.
Option (c) (Acceptable only for 1(b) above.) Bachelor's degree with twenty-seven (27) semester hours in the teaching field, documented professional competency, and three (3) years full-time experience in the occupational area.
2.11. Rank I-Group B
2.11.1. Degree Requirement:
Bachelor's Degree
2.11.2. In-field Requirement
Option (a) Twenty-seven (27) semester hours in the teaching field.
Option (b) Specialized coursework equivalent to the community or technical
college program.
2.11.3. Work Requirement:
Three years of successful full-time experience as a practitioner in the occupational,
technical, or vocational field.
2.12. Rank I-Group C
2.12.1. Degree Requirement:
Associate degree or equivalent (at least sixty (60) semester hours in a planned program including associate degree core).
2.12.2. In-field Requirement:
Specialized coursework equivalent to the community or technical college program.
2.12.3. Work Requirement:
Six (6) years of successful full-time experience as a practitioner in the vocational field with competency demonstrated through successful completion of an approved occupational examination (e.g., NOCTI) or approved certification within the first two years of employment.
2.13. Level 0-Group A: Level 0 is paid at Rank IB on the Salary Schedule.
(Instructors using these minimum requirements may only teach basic computation and communication skills in certificate programs or remedial courses.)
2.13.1. Degree Requirement:
Bachelor's Degree
2.13.2. In-field Requirement:
Twenty-seven (27) semester hours in the teaching field.
2.14. Level 0-Group B: Level 0 is paid at Rank IB on the Salary Schedule.
2.14.1. Requirement: Associate degree or equivalent, combined with at least three (3) years' experience as a practitioner in the field of instruction. "Equivalent" can be academic or non-academic but must be documented by the college and approved by the President.
2.15. Level 0-Group C: Level 0 is paid at Rank IB on the Salary Schedule.
2.15.1. Requirement: Associate degree or equivalent, combined with at least three (3) years' experience as a practitioner in the field of instruction. "Equivalent" can be academic or non-academic but must be documented by the college and approved by the President.
3. The Chancellor may waive the minimum qualifications or credentials set forth in this policy upon receipt of a reasonably documented summary of qualifications and written explanation that justifies the instructor's overall qualifications, which should ensure the quality and integrity of the college's educational programs.