703.01: Instructional Quality

ESCC utilizes several processes to ensure students are provided quality instruction.


1.     The multi-faceted faculty evaluation process includes the following:

a.     Student evaluations of instructors are conducted electronically each term.


b.     A self-evaluation is conducted annually by each full-term and adjunct faculty member. These evaluations are reviewed and commented on by the division chairperson before being sent to the Dean of Instruction. Evaluations are filed with Human Resources.


c.     Division chairs are responsible for classroom observations. Each non-tenured and adjunct faculty member is observed each year. Tenured faculty are observed, at a minimum, once every three years.


d.     Online courses are evaluated regularly.


2.     Questions in the yearly Institutional Climate Survey and Departmental Performance Survey provide opportunities for College stakeholders to provide input on and for the College to analyze any issues related to classroom technology, facilities support, and professional development.


3.     Program reviews are initiated by the Institutional Effectiveness office on a rotating basis which ensures each program is reviewed at least once every five years. For career and technical programs, Program Directors and relevant faculty members complete the review. 


a.     A letter from the Instructional Dean, along with a Comprehensive Program Review template is sent to each program/division director during the summer term prior to their annual review.


b.     Each program director completes the Comprehensive Program Review to provide in-depth information including, but not limited to, program description, program background, curriculum design, faculty needs, program costs (including equipment and facilities), occupational demand and median pay, student job placement, as well as strengths and weaknesses of the program. The review concludes with an action plan for each program.


c.     The final Comprehensive Program Review is submitted to the Dean of Instruction for review and final program viability determination. The Dean of Instruction presents his findings to the President’s Council and notifies the program/division director with the final program determination. Any follow up recommendations or action plans required by the program/division director are due to the Dean of Instruction within six months of the final notification.


The general education/academic transfer program (AA/AS) review is conducted in much the same way as career and technical education programs outlined above. However, the charge for this responsibility in AA/AS program reviews falls to the General Education Assessment Subcommittee. This committee includes representatives from each of the College’s divisions which deliver general education courses.