Penalties for Academic Dishonesty
Cheating will be punished by a zero for the assignment on which the cheating occurred and referral of the offending students) to the Dean of Instruction. The Dean of Instruction may impose more serious penalties.
Fabricating, facilitating, or falsifying information will be punished by a zero for the assignment and may be subject to further penalties as determined by the Dean of Instruction
Blatant plagiarism will result in a zero on the assignment, failure in the course, and referral of the case to the Dean of Instruction.
Inadvertent plagiarism involves the unintentional and occasional use of key phrases from a source and the failure to punctuate those key phrases as quotations and/or cite, in the prescribed style, the source of the phrases. It may also involve the occasional absence of documentation for a specific bit of paraphrased and/or summarized information that is not common knowledge. Inadvertent plagiarism may involve an occasional miscitation of a source or page reference for a specific bit of information. Inadvertent plagiarism does not indicate a pattern of deception or carelessness in the documentation of the paper as a whole. Inadvertent plagiarism will be punished by grade penalties on the assignment. The instructor will publish to his/her students the grade penalties to be imposed in such cases.