602.05: Reorganizations
Reorganizations are modifications to positions that both currently exist at the institution and have been filled previously through a regular search process. Reorganizations may involve shifting duties that currently exist within positions at the College or adding new duties to a current position at the College. The reorganization may include changes of title, salary schedule placement, job duties, or level of responsibility, but it cannot create a fundamentally new position or an entirely new set of duties or responsibilities.
Reorganizations require written approval of the Chancellor before implementation, including any changes to salaries.
Temporary employees cannot be reorganized into a non-temporary position.
Positions which have not been filled through a regular search process are not eligible for reorganization.
In order to request the approval of a reorganization, the President sends a letter of request to the Chancellor with a detailed description of the reorganization. The letter must include a narrative description and justification of the proposed changes as well as the proposed effective date. The President's letter of request shall certify that the reorganization is necessary and appropriate to expand, realign, or otherwise modify the reorganized position for legitimate reasons not related to discriminatory reasons, such as race, gender, or disability. The President's letter shall include a Reorganization of Positions form.
Upon receiving the Chancellor's written approval of the reorganization, the reorganization will be effective without the reorganization being considered as a vacancy for which posting is required.