Title IX and Sexual Discrimination Policy

Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Section 703 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1974. Sexual harassment is any repeated or unwanted verbal or physical sexual advance, sexually explicit derogatory statements, or sexually discriminatory remarks made by someone which are offensive or objectionable to the recipient or which causes the recipient discomfort or humiliation or which interferes with the recipient’s performance. ESCC does not condone such sexual harassment.

It is the policy of Enterprise State Community College to provide an educational and employment environment free of all forms of discrimination or harassment. Discrimination or harassment based upon one’s race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual identity, age, genetic information, veteran status, or disability as defined in the policy and as otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes is prohibited at the College.

Sexual harassment, including acts of sexual assault, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation/misconduct, is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited at the College. This policy applies to all College students, faculty, staff, other members of the College community, and non-employee third parties who are doing business or providing services to the College. In its efforts to provide a safe environment and in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, ESCC will not tolerate retaliation for claims made under the College’s Title IX policy.

Any inquiries regarding this policy should be directed to one or more of the Title IX Coordinators identified below. These coordinators will be available to meet with students and employees regarding issues relating to Title IX and this policy.

All allegations on the Alabama Aviation College (ACC) instructional sites regarding such harassment should be directed to the AAC site directors: the Director at the Alabama Aviation College at Ozark, (334) 774-5113, ext. 3601, or the Director of the Alabama Aviation College at Andalusia, (334) 222-0133.

Title IX Coordinator for Students

Dava Foster (ADA Compliance Officer)

Lurleen B. Wallace Hall—Student Center, Transfer Suite

600 Plaza Drive, Enterprise, AL 36330

Phone: (334) 347-2623, ext. 2293

Fax: (334) 347-5569

Email: dfoster@escc.edu

Title IX Coordinator for Employees

Ms. Jessica Lunsford

George C. Wallace Administration Building, Room 121

Phone: 334-347-2623 Ext. 2222

Email: jherbster@escc.edu