Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees are established by the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees. The Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees reserves the right to make changes to the tuition and fees as deemed necessary. Each student pays the applicable tuition rate, Bond Surety Fee, Special Building Fee, Technology Fee, and the Facility Renewal Fee. Tuition and fees include the following:
- Tuition
- In-State Tuition: $133.00 per credit hour, Out-of-State Tuition: $266.00 per credit hour. Residency status is determined upon admission to the College.
- Fees
- Bond Surety Fee: $1 per credit hour.
- Special Building Fee: $10 per credit hour.
- Technology Fee: $9 per credit hour.
- Facility Renewal Fee: $9 per credit hour.
- Aviation Fee: $35 per credit hour for Airframe Technology (AMT) and Powerplant (AMP) classes.
- Other Fees
- Administrative Withdrawal Fee: An administrative fee of 5% of tuition and other institutional charges is assessed for each withdrawal within the period beginning the first day through the end of the third week of class. The total amount charged for this service will not exceed $100.
- Continuing Education and Special Interest Course Fees: The fees vary according to the nature and length of the course.
- Collection Fee/Express Prior Consent to Contact: Any outstanding charges are subject to be sent to a collection agency if not paid within a specified period of time. Once submitted to the collection agency, the student will be assessed a fee as a legal and lawful debt and agrees to pay said fee, including any and all costs of collections of 33.33%, any attorney fees, and court costs if applicable. The student waives his or her rights now and forever to be exempt under the laws of the state of Alabama and any other state. The student gives ESCC, its employees, and/or any agent acting on behalf of the College expressed prior consent to contact them at any and all telephone numbers, including cellular telephone numbers (telephone calls or text messages), for the purpose of payment.
- Distance Learning Fees: Students may incur fees related to test proctoring.
- Returned Check Fee: A fee of $30 is charged for each worthless check issued to the College. Failure to pay for the returned check and the fee will result in grades and transcripts being held and future enrollment being denied. A returned check, if not recovered in the specified time period, will be subject to collection through the Worthless Check Unit of the District Attorney’s Office.
- Parking Fines: A fee of $15 is charged for parking illegally on the campus/site and/or not having the appropriate parking tag. Parking tags are available on any campus/site in the Administrative or Student Services area. The replacement cost if lost is $5.00 per tag.
- Placement Testing Fee: A fee of $8 is charged to ESCC students to retake any part of the ACCUPLACER/Placement test. A fee of $16 is charged to non-ESCC students to take any part of the ACCUPLACER/Placement Test.
- Proctor Testing Fee: A fee of $35 per test is charged for non-ESCC students.
- Audit Fee: The cost of auditing a course is the regular tuition and fees for the course.
- Aviation Comprehensive Exams: General, Airframe, and Powerplant. The fee for taking an exam on the published date is $20. The fee for taking an exam outside of published times is $50.